We found 2 episodes of Earth Station Who: A Doctor Who Podcast with the tag “dragon con brittracks”.
Earth Station Who - What You Didn't Know About Doctor Who
October 9th, 2020 | Season 9 | 55 mins 51 secs
42 cast, brittracks, caro mccully, doctor who, doctor who discussion, doctor who podcast, dragon con, dragon con 2020, dragon con brittracks, dragon con tv, earth station who, earth station who ep 255, eso, eso network, esw, mary ogle, michael gordon, mike faber, nathan laws, robert bowen, what you don't know about doctor who
Recorded for Dragon Con 2020! The BritTrack folks and ESW crew combine forces to bring to light obscure factoids from over fifty years of the Doctor Who franchise. Join Mike, Mike, Mary, Caro McCully, Rob Bowen, and Nathan Laws as they comb through time and space to reveal hidden facts. As an added bonus, you don't have to get up early in the morning to view this panel!
Earth Station Who – Deconstructing Doctor Who
September 7th, 2019 | Season 8 | 1 hr 2 secs
bbc, deconstructing doctor who, doctor who review, doctor who, doctor who podcast, dragon con, dragon con brittracks, earth station who, earth station who ep 224, eso, eso network, esw, mary ogle, michael falkner, michael gordon, mike faber, tara newman, the eso network, tv show review
Recorded live at Dragon Con 2019! What are the essential elements of one of the most popular science fiction series for over 50 years? Mike, Mike, Mary, Tara Newman, and Michael Falkner lead an in-depth discussion on the what, why, and how of Who.