We found 2 episodes of Earth Station Who: A Doctor Who Podcast with the tag “flux”.
Earth Station Who - Flux Series Review
December 17th, 2021 | Season 10 | 1 hr 12 mins
13th doctor, angela pritchett, chris chibnall, doctor who, doctor who podcast, doctor who talk, earth station who, earth station who ep 288, eso, eso network, esw, facebook live, flux, jodie whittaker, kirby bartlett-sloan, mary ogle, michael gordon, mike faber, podcast, the eso network
Recorded via Facebook Live! Was the thirteenth series of new Who lucky for the Thirteenth Doctor and showrunner Chris Chibnall? Mike, Mike, and Mary are joined by Angela Pritchett, Kirby Bartlett-Sloan, and a few Facebook friends to uncompress the recent season-long story arc, Flux.
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Earth Station Who Flex: War of the Sontarans
November 12th, 2021 | Season 10 | 1 hr 5 mins
bbc, doctor who, doctor who flux, doctor who podcast, doctor who review, doctor who talk, dr who, earth station who, earth station who ep 283, eso, eso podcast, esw, felicity kusinitz, flux, geek podcast, geek talk, mark mccray, mary ogle, michael gordon, mike faber, podcast, war of the sontarans
The second chapter of the Flux storyline is a historical episode with diabolical implications for the 21st century and beyond. Mike, Mike, Mary, Felicity, and Mark McCray visit the British Hotel and survey the latest field of battle for our favorite race of potato heads. Sontar-Ha!
We want to hear from you! Please write to us at feedback@earthstationwho.com. Also,
please subscribe and rate the show on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Google Plus, or wherever fine podcasts are found. Feedback is always welcome and much appreciated.