We found 4 episodes of Earth Station Who: A Doctor Who Podcast with the tag “matt smith”.
The Tenth Anniversary of The Day Of The Doctor
November 10th, 2023 | Season 11 | 1 hr 29 mins
50th anniversary, billie piper, daleks, david tennent, day of the doctor, doctor who, doctor who 50th anniversary, doctor who podcast, doctor who talk, doctort who podcast, earth station who, earth station who ep 336, eleventh doctor, esw, gallifrey, jenna coleman, john hurt, mary ogle, matt smith, melanie dean, michael gordon, mike faber, multi-doctor episode, plot discussion, podcast, regeneration, review, sci-fi, scott viguie, steven moffat, tenth doctor, time lords, time travel, timey-wimey, tom baker, unit, war doctor, zygons
t’s hard to believe it’s been a decade since the premiere of The Day of the Doctor. Mike, Mike, Mary, Melanie Dean, and Scott Vigiue look back at Stephen Moffat’s monumental magnum opus while also looking ahead to the upcoming sixtieth anniversary.
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Doctor Who: A Good Man Goes To War Review
June 9th, 2023 | Season 11 | 52 mins 42 secs
11th doctor, a good man goes to war, con kasterburous, doctor who, doctor who discussion, doctor who podcast, doctor who review, earth station who, earth station who ep 325, eso, eso network, esw, geek, geek podcast, geek talk, mary ogle, matt smith, michael gordon, mike faber, podcast, river song, steven moffat
Demons run when a good man goes to war. The Eleventh Doctor and his friends come very close to meeting their ends when a good man goes to war. Mike, Mike, and Mary sit on the couch and snack on popcorn when a good man goes to war.
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Earth Station Who - The Doctor, The Window, and the Wardrobe
January 6th, 2023 | Season 10 | 57 mins 7 secs
11th doctor, bbc, doctor the widow and the wardrobe, doctor who, doctor who christmas special, doctor who podcast, doctor who review, doctor who talk, earth station who, earth station who ep 314, eso, eso network, esw, geek, geek podcast, geek talk, mary ogle, matt smith, michael gordon, mike faber, narnia, steven moffat, tv review, tv show
The Eleventh Doctor gifts a family with a portal to a realm that is definitely not Narnia. Mike, Mike, and Mary open the “Christamssy of Christmas” presents from Steven Moffat and take a peak at the new teaser trailer for the upcoming 60th anniversary special.
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Earth Station Who - A Christmas Carol
December 23rd, 2022 | Season 10 | 46 mins 31 secs
11th doctor, a christmas carol, doctor who, doctor who christmas special, doctor who podcast, doctor who review, dr who, earth station who, earth station who ep 313, eso, eso network, esw, mary ogle, matt smith, michael gordon, mike faber
Christmas Eve on a rooftop, the Eleventh Doctor plays the part of Father Christmas, Santa Claus, or as he calls him, Jeff. Mike, Mike, and Mary open up to the presence of Katherine Jenkins and give thanks for all the fish.
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