We found 2 episodes of Earth Station Who: A Doctor Who Podcast with the tag “ninth doctor”.
Doctor Who: The End of The World Review
October 19th, 2024 | Season 12 | 51 mins 32 secs
billie piper, christopher eccleston, classic doctor who episodes, doctor who, doctor who 2005, doctor who episode analysis, doctor who fan discussion, doctor who podcast, doctor who season 1, doctor who season 1 review, earth station who podcast, eso, esw, jabe, lady cassandra, mary ogle, michael gordon, mike faber, modern doctor who, ninth doctor, rose tyler, russell t davies era, sci-fi tv review, the end of the world episode, the end of the world review, the face of boah, time travel series, whovian podcast
In this episode of the Earth Station Who Podcast, we review the classic Ninth Doctor story 'The End of the World.' Join us as we explore this pivotal episode, where the Doctor, played by Christopher Eccleston, takes Rose on her first journey through time to witness the destruction of Earth five billion years in the future. We dive into the episode’s themes, character development, the introduction of memorable characters like Lady Cassandra, and the significance of this adventure in shaping the dynamic between the Doctor and Rose. Whether you're a new fan or a longtime Whovian, our in-depth analysis offers fresh insights into one of the most iconic episodes of the modern Doctor Who era.
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Earth Station Who - The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Respond to All Calls
May 6th, 2022 | Season 10 | 46 mins 47 secs
big finish, big finish review, christopher eccleston, doctor who, doctor who podcast, doctor who review, earth station who, earth station who ep 299, eso, eso network, esw, geek podcast, geek talk, mary ogle, michael gordon, mike faber, ninth doctor, ninth doctor adventures, podcast, respond to all calls
The Ninth Doctor hears the call and arrives ready on the scene in three new adventures from Big Finish. Mike, Mike, and Mary are all ears for all the ghosts, monsters, robots, and evil corporations on the other end of the line.
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