Episode Archive

159 episodes of Earth Station Who: A Doctor Who Podcast since the first episode, which aired on November 30th, 2018.

  • Earth Station Who - Turn Left

    March 5th, 2021  |  Season 9  |  1 hr 21 mins
    bbc, doctor who, doctor who discussion, doctor who podcast, doctor who review, donna nobel, earth station who, earth station who ep 265, eso, eso network, esw, geek podcast, mary ogle, michael gordon, mike faber, neisha mulchan, podcast, russel t davies, turn left

    Donna Noble pauses at an intersection and the whole universe depends on the decision she makes on which way to go. Mike, Mike, Mary, and Neisha Mulchan strap on their bleack beetle backpacks and take a look at the Tenth Doctor-light story that has major implications for life, the universe, and everything related to Doctor Who.

    We want to hear from you! Please write to us at feedback@earthstationwho.com. Also, please subscribe and rate the show on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Google Plus, or wherever fine podcasts are found. Feedback is always welcome and much appreciated.

  • Earth Staton Who - Can Doctor Who Be Saved?

    February 19th, 2021  |  Season 9  |  1 hr 11 mins
    13th doctor, bbc, chris chibnall, doctor who, doctor who discussion, doctor who podcast, dr who, earth station who, earth station who ep 264, eso, eso network, esw, facebook live, geek podcast, kevo risse, mackenzie flohr, mary ogle, melanie dean, michael gordon, mike faber, podcast, the legend of the traveling tardis

    Recorded live on Facebook! The franchise appears to be approaching another crossroad and there are many ideas for how to improve the series both on and off the screen. Mike, Mike, and Mary are joined by Melanie Dean, Mackenzie Flohr, and Kevo Risse from the Legend of the Travelling Tardis to discuss ideas for making Doctor Who as good as it can be.

    We want to hear from you! Please write to us at feedback@earthstationwho.com. Also, please subscribe and rate the show on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Google Plus, or wherever fine podcasts are found. Feedback is always welcome and much appreciated.

  • The Earth Station Who - The Long Game

    February 5th, 2021  |  Season 9  |  50 mins 13 secs
    9th doctor, bbc, doctor who, doctor who podcast, doctor who review, earth station who, earth station who ep 263, eso, eso network, esw, long game, mary ogle, michael gordon, mike faber, review, tv review

    Earth's future is once again threatened and it's up to the Ninth Doctor and crew to set things right. Mike, Mike, and Mary ride up to floor five hundred where the walls are made of gold. But just look, don't touch else you might be sent home to your mamma.

    We want to hear from you! Please write to us at feedback@earthstationwho.com. Also, please subscribe and rate the show on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Google Plus, or wherever fine podcasts are found. Feedback is always welcome and much appreciated.

  • Earth Station Who - Ark In Space

    January 22nd, 2021  |  Season 9  |  53 mins 2 secs
    4th doctor, ark in space, bobby nash, doctor who, doctor who podcast, doctor who review, dr who, earth station who, earth station who ep 262, eso, eso network, esw, mary ogle, michael gordon, mike faber, tom baker, tv review

    A routine trip to the moon goes wrong for the Fourth Doctor and crew thanks to some fiddling with the helmic regulator. Mike, Mike, Mary, and the award-winning author Bobby Nash travel to several thousand years well beyond the thirtieth century to help what's left of humanity with their Wirrn problem. Shoes are optional.

  • Earth Station Who - Revolution of The Daleks

    January 6th, 2021  |  Season 9  |  1 hr 23 mins
    13th doctor, cosmic pizza podcast, dan hitch, doctor who, doctor who podcast, doctor who review, dr who, earth station who, earth station who ep 261, eso, eso network, esw, mary ogle, michael gordon, mike faber, revolution of the daleks, robert mcintire

    You say you want a revolution? Well, you know Mike, Mike, Mary, Robert McIntyre, and Dan Hitch saw the Thirteenth Doctor break in the new year with some old acquaintances as well as a surprise potential one.

  • Earth Station Who - The Diary of River Song Series 5

    December 19th, 2020  |  Season 9  |  1 hr 27 secs
    big finish, diary of river song, doctor who, doctor who podcast, doctor who review, dr who, earth station who, earth station who ep 260, eso, eso network, esw, julie filipek, mary ogle, michael gordon, mike faber, river song, the diary river song

    The Professor meets the Master in four audio adventures from Big Finish. Mike, Mike, Mary, and Julie Filipek determine if any of the diabolical devices used by the Doctor's deadliest detractor are more damaging to life as we know it than River's theme song.

    We want to hear from you! Please write to us at feedback@earthstationwho.com. Also, please subscribe and rate the show on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Google Plus, or wherever fine podcasts are found. Feedback is always welcome and much appreciated.

  • Earth Station Who - The Pandorica Opens & The Big Bang

    December 4th, 2020  |  Season 9  |  1 hr 22 mins
    11th doctor, bbc, becon ny, doctor who, doctor who podcast, doctor who review, earth station who, earth station who podcast, earth station who podcast ep 259, eso, eso network, esw, mary ogle, michael gordon, mike faber, pandorica restaurant, river song, shirley wenlock-hot, the big bang, the pandorica opens, tv show review

    The question of the hour is what is the Pandorica? Is it the ultimate prison for the most feared being in the universe? Is it an iconic speech given by the Eleventh Doctor? Is it one of the best stories of the franchise? Is it a restaurant in Beacon, NY? There's no reason to wait two thousand years. Mike, Mike,Mary, and Shirley Wenlock-Hot have the answers to these questions and more.

  • Earth Station Who - The Faceless Ones

    November 20th, 2020  |  Season 9  |  1 hr 5 mins
    doctor who, doctor who podcast, doctor who review, dr who, earth station who, earth station who episode 258, eso, eso network, esw, kirby bartlett-sloan, mary ogle, michael gordon, mike faber, the faceless ones, tv show review

    The Second Doctor comes face to face with a race that's got no human grace. Mike, Mike, Mary, and Kirby Bartlett-Sloan duck flying beasties, ray guns, burnt fibers, and foreign stamps in the new animated adaptation of a lost classic story.

  • Earth Station Who - Doctor Who 101: An Intro To Doctor Who

    November 6th, 2020  |  Season 9  |  58 mins 53 secs
    brittracks, caro mccully, doctor 101, doctor who, doctor who podcast, dr who, dragon con, dragon con brittrracks, earth station who, earth station who ep 257, eso, eso network, esw, geek podcast, mary ogle, michael falkner, michael gordon, mike faber, nerd podcast, podcast, robert bowen

    Recorded for Dragon Con 2020! The BritTrack folks and ESW crew reunite to chat about where new fans can get started with the Classic Doctor Who Series, New Series, novels, comics, and audios! Class is in session with Mike, Mike, Mary, Caro McCully, Rob Bowen, and Michael Falkner as they take you through Doctor Who 101.

  • Earth Station Who - The Keys of Marinus

    October 23rd, 2020  |  Season 9  |  42 mins 48 secs
    1st doctor, doctor who, doctor who discussion, doctor who podcast, earth station who, earth station who ep 256, eso, eso network, esw, julie filipek, mary ogle, michael gordon, mike faber, terry nation, the keys of marinus

    The Keeper of the Conscience of Marinus has lost his keys and it is up the First Doctor and crew to find them! Mike, Mike, Mary, and Julie Filipek join the quest for the keys that turns out to be quite a trial.

  • Earth Station Who - What You Didn't Know About Doctor Who

    October 9th, 2020  |  Season 9  |  55 mins 51 secs
    42 cast, brittracks, caro mccully, doctor who, doctor who discussion, doctor who podcast, dragon con, dragon con 2020, dragon con brittracks, dragon con tv, earth station who, earth station who ep 255, eso, eso network, esw, mary ogle, michael gordon, mike faber, nathan laws, robert bowen, what you don't know about doctor who

    Recorded for Dragon Con 2020! The BritTrack folks and ESW crew combine forces to bring to light obscure factoids from over fifty years of the Doctor Who franchise. Join Mike, Mike, Mary, Caro McCully, Rob Bowen, and Nathan Laws as they comb through time and space to reveal hidden facts. As an added bonus, you don't have to get up early in the morning to view this panel!

  • Earth Station Who - The Planet of Evil

    September 25th, 2020  |  Season 9  |  53 mins 45 secs
    3rd doctor, bbc, doctor who, doctor who podcast, doctor who review, earth station who, earth station who ep 254, eso, eso network, esw, mary ogle, michael gordon, mike faber, planet of the daleks, randy stewart, the eso network, tv show review

    Once again, the Doctor and his companion find themselves caught in the neverending struggle between the Thals and the Daleks. Mike, Mike, Mary, and Randy Stewart make their way through sap-squirting fungoids, invisible Spiridons, streams of liquid ice, and a planetwide release of deadly bacteria to face another Terry Nation epic.