Episode Archive
171 episodes of Earth Station Who: A Doctor Who Podcast since the first episode, which aired on November 30th, 2018.
Earth Station Who - Waters of Mars
February 25th, 2022 | Season 10 | 55 mins 37 secs
10th doctor, amy solomon, bbc, doctor who, doctor who podcast, doctor who review, doctor who talk, earth station who, earth station who ep 294, eso, eso network, esw, geek podcast, geek talk, mary ogle, michael gordon, mike faber, podcast, tv show, waters of mars
One of the top rules of traveling to foreign lands is don't drink the water. Mike, Mike, Mary, and Amy Solomon soak up one of the Tenth Doctor's final adventures and one of the biggest challenges of his long life.
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Earth Station Who - Romance In The TARDIS
February 11th, 2022 | Season 10 | 1 hr 11 mins
angela pritchett, doctor who discussion, doctor who podcast, doctor who talk, earth station who, earth station who ep 293, eso, eso network, esw, facebook live, geek podcast, geek talk, mary ogle, melanie dean, michael gordon, mike faber, podcast, romance in the tardis, tardis, tardis talk
Recorded via Facebook Live! Who are some of our favorite couples who have travelled in the little blue box of love? Mike, Mike, Mary, Melanie Dean, and Angela Pritchett discuss the highs and lows of relationships across time and space.
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Earth Station Who - The Diary of River Song Series 6
January 28th, 2022 | Season 10 | 1 hr 10 mins
big finish, diary of river song, doctor who, doctor who podcast, doctor who review, earth station who, earth station who ep 292, eso, eso network, esw, geek podcast, julie filipek, mary ogle, michael gordon, mike faber, podcast, river song
In this volume of the Big Finish audio series, River visits various people and places from her husband's diary. Mike, Mike, Mary, and Julie Filipek take River's advice and roll, never bend, no matter what the Doctor's past throws in her path.
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Earth Station Who - Rebel Flesh / The Almost People
January 14th, 2022 | Season 10 | 51 mins 44 secs
11th doctor, amy pond, doctor who, doctor who podcast, earth station who, earth station who ep 291, eso, eso network, esw, mary ogle, michael gordon, mike faber, podcast, rebel flesh, review, rory williams, shannon longmire, the almost people
Yowza! The Eleventh Doctor, Amy, and Rory are seeing double in this two-part adventure. Mike, Mike, and Mary welcome Shannon Longmire to watch the Flesh Bowl featuring the Gruesome Gangers vs the Not-So-Wholesome Humans with the Doctor as special referee.
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Earth Station Who - Eve of the Daleks
January 7th, 2022 | Season 10 | 1 hr 13 mins
13th doctor, christina louise, daleks, dave chapman, doctor who, doctor who podcast, doctor who review, earth station who, earth station who podcast ep 290, eso, eso network, esw, eve of the daleks, geek podcast, geek talk, mary ogle, michael gordon, mike faber, podcast
New Year. New Daleks. That's what the Thirteenth Doctor had to face on Day 1. Mike, Mike, and Mary rescue Dave Chapman and Christina Louise out of storage before they get caught in another time loop. Because no one should have to live the past year over again.
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The Earth Station Who Podcast - The Evil of the Daleks
December 31st, 2021 | Season 10 | 51 mins 21 secs
2nd doctor, bbc, daleks, doctor who, doctor who podcast, doctor who review, earth station who, earth station who ep 289, eso, eso network, esw, evil of the daleks, mary ogle, michael gordon, mike faber, podcast, the daleks
Before the eve of the new year, Mike, Mike, and Mary travel back to view the newly animated adaptation of the Second Doctor and Jamie's epic encounter with the Dalek Factor and the beginning of the Victoria era.
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Earth Station Who - Flux Series Review
December 17th, 2021 | Season 10 | 1 hr 12 mins
13th doctor, angela pritchett, chris chibnall, doctor who, doctor who podcast, doctor who talk, earth station who, earth station who ep 288, eso, eso network, esw, facebook live, flux, jodie whittaker, kirby bartlett-sloan, mary ogle, michael gordon, mike faber, podcast, the eso network
Recorded via Facebook Live! Was the thirteenth series of new Who lucky for the Thirteenth Doctor and showrunner Chris Chibnall? Mike, Mike, and Mary are joined by Angela Pritchett, Kirby Bartlett-Sloan, and a few Facebook friends to uncompress the recent season-long story arc, Flux.
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Earth Station Who - Flux Chapter 6: The Vanquishers
December 10th, 2021 | Season 10 | 1 hr 6 mins
doctor who, doctor who season 13, doctor who flux, doctor who podcast, doctor who review, earth station who, earth station who ep 278, eso, eso network, esw, mary ogle, michael gordon, mike faber, podcast, ramona schnitger, shirley wenlock-hot, the vanquisher
The season-long storyline of the Flux has concluded and Mike, Mike, Mary, Shirley Wenlock-Hot, and Ramona Schnitger examine Chris Chibnall's ability to stick the landing of his most ambitious Thirteenth Doctor adventure.
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Earth Station Who - Flux Chapter 5: Survivors of the Flux
December 3rd, 2021 | Season 10 | 1 hr 5 mins
13th doctor, anthony williams, doctor who, doctor who flux, doctor who podcast, doctor who review, earth station who, earth station who ep 286, eso, eso network, esw, geek, geek podcast, geek talk, mark heffernan, mary ogle, mike faber, podcast, survivors of the flux
Things heat up in the Thirteenth Doctor and the Yaz Gang in the penultimate chapter in the Flux storyline. Mike, Mike, Mary, welcome Anthony Williams, and Mark Heffernan and compare scorecards of all the players as they prepare for the final drive with little time left on the clock.
We want to hear from you! Please write to us at feedback@earthstationwho.com. Also, please subscribe and rate the show on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Google Plus, or wherever fine podcasts are found. Feedback is always welcome and much appreciated.
Earth Station Who Flux - Chapter 4: The Village of the Angels
November 26th, 2021 | Season 10 | 1 hr 2 mins
13th doctor, bbc, doctor who, doctor who flux, doctor who podcast, doctor who review, earth station who, earth station who podcast, earth station who podcast ep 285, eso, eso network, esw, mary ogle, matt sweatman, michael gordon, mike faber, rob levy, village of the angels
Beware the stare! Today the Weeping Angels take the village, tomorrow the world! Mike, Mike, Mary, Rob Levy, and Matthew Sweatman have their eyes glued to the latest chapter in the Flux storyline.
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Earth Station Who Flux - Chapter 3: Once, Upon Time
November 19th, 2021 | Season 10 | 1 hr 1 min
doctor who, doctor who flux, doctor who podcast, doctor who review, earth station who, earth station who ep 284, eso, eso network, esw, flux chapter 3, geek podcast, geek talk, mary ogle, michael falkner, michael gordon, mike faber, once upon time, podcast, r. alan siler
The Thirteenth Doctor and crew face a timestorm of epic proportions. Mike, Mike, Mary, Alan Siler, and Michael Falkner jump into one another's timelines to review the halfway point of the Flux storyline.
This episode is dedicated to the memory of Shirley Ogle (1938-2021).
We want to hear from you! Please write to us at feedback@earthstationwho.com. Also, please subscribe and rate the show on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Google Plus, or wherever fine podcasts are found. Feedback is always welcome and much appreciated.
Earth Station Who Flex: War of the Sontarans
November 12th, 2021 | Season 10 | 1 hr 5 mins
bbc, doctor who, doctor who flux, doctor who podcast, doctor who review, doctor who talk, dr who, earth station who, earth station who ep 283, eso, eso podcast, esw, felicity kusinitz, flux, geek podcast, geek talk, mark mccray, mary ogle, michael gordon, mike faber, podcast, war of the sontarans
The second chapter of the Flux storyline is a historical episode with diabolical implications for the 21st century and beyond. Mike, Mike, Mary, Felicity, and Mark McCray visit the British Hotel and survey the latest field of battle for our favorite race of potato heads. Sontar-Ha!
We want to hear from you! Please write to us at feedback@earthstationwho.com. Also,
please subscribe and rate the show on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Google Plus, or wherever fine podcasts are found. Feedback is always welcome and much appreciated.